Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Transcreation is a way to be adapted

Not all international companies heard about term “transcreation” and automatically choose translation instead making information relevant for that audience.

Translation is the process of translating from one language into another. Transcreation is a mixture from translation and creation. It means ‘translating’ and ‘recreating’ the original text in a new language by changing it’s meaning culturally appropriate for a target market whilst making sure it is still appropriate in the context for which it is intended.
In process of transcription take into consideration marketing researches and tricks.

First of all, you should define what do you want to say and what effect or goal to achieve.
Next step could be the answering to the questions:
  • What audience would you like to attract?
  • For what category of audience do you want to use translation only? For example, Europeans, businessmen from America.
  • Do your text (expressions, idioms, words) don’t break cultural norms?
  • What is your budget? Maybe it would be enough to translate separate web pages.
  • What are the main criteria for transcreator?

Transcreation can be of use when translating the following:
  • Idioms
  • Taglines
  • General Branding Materials
  • Humor
  • Specific Phrases
  • Wordplay
  • Words that may have unacceptable meaning in other language.

Transcreation isn't only about text, because it’s possible to adapt tagline, logo, product information, or website graphics.

Not always transcreation is strongly necessary, but if you care of your business and of product to international audience it would be more to think in your website.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Types of emails

Can you agree that email marketing is low-cost marketing? However it doesn't means that it works worst. Take a look on types of emails and find some suggestions.

Newsletter email should be sent on a regular basis — such as daily, weekly, monthly. We recommend to give audience a opportunity to choose how often do they want to receive newsletter emails. Newsletters are great not only for marketing to prospects, but also for nurturing your existing customers with company news and events, product announcements and feedback requests.
Don’t make reader get tired of scrolling long email but give links to more information about seperate news.

Catalog email
IKEA use this kind of emails. Emails brings you potential show more products in one catalog. It’s better to select more important goods for that moment. Do you agree that selling beach accessories in wintertime isn’t smart strategy?

Video email
People like short videos or true testimonials. Add short description next to video with argument why person should watch it.

Offer email informs about deals. That could be discounts for subscribers only and can make subscribers feel special.

Survey email helps to find out opinion and improve offers. Start with arguments why receivers of email should take part in research and waste time.

This kind of email is additional and comes after main email. This is a way to show that you didn’t forget about your customer. You can remind about event, offer that will end soon, about willingness to finish steps of buying.

Educational email should help answer questions that company’s subscribers may have. Here you can add links to your blogs or offer, tell about item and implementation of it, give life-hacks and to give new look to something. Be creative!

Email marketing is about building a long term relationship with your subscribers. Don’t be annoying and respect your reader.